Drama Dynamics
School of Speech and Drama
Child Protection Policy
It is the policy of the school to provide efficient, up-to-date, enjoyable and safe instruction in speech and drama to all pupils who enrol in the school or join in the classes or activities.
The premises and equipment will be checked regularly for any defects or faults that exist or may have developed which might present hazards to any attending the premises.
All instruction will be geared to the previous experience and abilities of the pupil(s) and no person will be required to perform movements beyond their intrinsic capabilities.
Staff will be sensitive to all pupils’ religious beliefs and culture.
No energetic instruction will be given without pupils undergoing a “warm-up” session, and after an energetic session completing a “warm-down” session.
A day book / diary will be kept to allow records to be kept of any incident in the school, injuries of any nature to staff or pupils, bullying incidents etc.
No very young pupil will be allowed to leave the school premises until collected by a parent, guardian or other adult authorised to do so by a parent or guardian. A member of staff will remain on the premises until all pupils have left.
No pupil under age 16 will be driven home by a member of staff in his/her car without the permission of a parent or guardian or in the event of an emergency.
Normally no member of staff will be alone with a young pupil for any substantial period of time without the consent of a parent or other authorised person.
If appropriate, changing facilities will be provided. Where possible parents should supervise their own children in the changing area otherwise supervision will not be by a single adult.
No child may be photographed or videoed without the consent of parent or guardian.
Only suitably qualified and garda vetted persons will be employed in a teaching capacity while any student engaged to assist with teaching will work under the supervision of a qualified member of staff.
In the event of activities outside the school premises the instructors will regard themselves as being in “loco parentis” and, so far as applicable and within their control, apply the preceding and subsequent guide lines as if the event was in their own studio.
Teachers will avoid any unnecessary physical contact with pupils. However, parents should understand that some aspects of teaching drama involve contact. Where it is necessary teachers will use the utmost discretion.
The school principal(s) will ensure that s/he and the members of staff are properly covered against incidents involving public liability and professional negligence insurance.
The school principal(s) undertake not to involve in misleading or false advertising.
No form of discrimination, by religion, colour, the child’s background and so on will be tolerated in the school.
At all times, all staff will endeavor to keep the highest standards of instruction and behavior. The school principals retain the right to discharge from the school any pupil who persistently disrupts the tuition, uses offensive language, take part in any form of bullying, or other anti-social behavior.
Drama Dynamics
School of speech and drama
Bullying Information / Policy
Bullying is defined as unwanted negative behavior, verbal, psychological or physical conducted, by an individual or group against another person (or persons) and which is repeated over time.”
In accordance with the Anti Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post –Primary Schools Bullying of any form will not be tolerated in Drama Dynamics.
Any pupil or staff member involved in bullying will be:
Given a verbal warning about behavior and a more recommended behavior will be discussed.
If behavior continues their parents / guardian will be informed or if over 18 yrs old a written warning will be given.
If bullying in any form is continued Drama Dynamics will retain the right to discharge the pupil from the school.
In accordance with the Anti Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post –Primary Schools Bullying of any form will not be tolerated in Drama Dynamics.
Any pupil or staff member involved in bullying will be:
Given a verbal warning about behavior and a more recommended behavior will be discussed.
If behavior continues their parents / guardian will be informed or if over 18 yrs old a written warning will be given.
If bullying in any form is continued Drama Dynamics will retain the right to discharge the pupil from the school.